6.2540 Nanotechology: From Atoms to Systems
We developed 6.2540 (temporary course number, 6.S059) in 2020 and since then the course has been offered annually. Through an interactive curriculum, where lectures are closely integrated with weekly design laboratory modules, this undergraduate course enables the students to learn about the fundamentals of applied quantum mechanics in relation to the design principles for diverse nanotechnologies. Our design-oriented approach breaks away from commonly used theoretical and abstract curricula teaching these subjects. The topics cover the full progression from first-principles, probing and understanding of the atomic scale, design of nanomaterials, to engineering of nanodevices and their integration into systems. The laboratory activities are designed with approachable processes that can be implemented by undergraduate students with no prior experience, thereby enabling them to iterate based on their active experimental learnings to help reinforce the concepts learned. Based on the concepts learned, the students then propose their own projects, implement and present them.
To learn more about this class, you can read the MIT news articles featuring our class and students (2021, 2022), a blog post about the class written by one of our students (post), and brief videos showcasing some of the labs and student projects (2021, 2022).
6.2000 Electrical Circuits: Modeling and Design of Physical Systems
This course covers fundamentals of linear systems, abstraction modeling of multi-physics lumped and distributed systems using lumped electrical circuits; Linear networks involving independent and dependent sources, resistors, capacitors, and inductors; Extensions to include operational amplifiers and transducers; Dynamics of first- and second-order networks; analysis and design in the time and frequency domains; signal and energy processing applications. In addition to lectures, 6.2000 also has weekly laboratory activities.